Trip Planner
What are your travel plans to get to Antler Ridge Lodge? Read more about both driving and flying below:
Pheasant licenses are available at Cabela's in Mitchell, SD or it's just as easy to purchase online at the lodge.
Pheasant Hunting - Available at the State of South Dakota pheasant hunting information website. Every thing you need to know about South Dakota pheasant hunting, news, license information and South Dakota hunting information.
Turkey Hunting - Available at the State of South Dakota turkey hunting information website. Every thing you need to know about South Dakota turkey hunting: online application, request application/information, application deadlines, harvest information, big game seasons, South Dakota hunting atlas.
Deer Hunting - Available at the State of South Dakota deer hunting information website - South Dakota deer hunting: SD online application, request application/information, SD application deadlines, South Dakota harvest information, big game seasons in South Dakota, South Dakota hunting atlas.
The weather is very unpredictable in South Dakota, so check the weather before your trip. Bring layers for pheasant hunting as the weather changes quickly.
Please Check the Weather Before Visiting Antler Ridge Lodge.